If making money online is new to you then eBay may be a great place to start it is quick and easy to set up an account and by simply having a look around your home for items that you no longer need and want you could be in business. Simply take a photo of each item and post online along with a description and price and then wait for the offer to roll in.

Selling second-hand goods may not make you the most amount of money but it is a great way to get started simply and easily the most importantly it generates customer feedback which is very important as this is how all future customer will decide whether or not to buy from you. Once your account has been set up for a while and you have a few sales and reviews under your belt you can then move into other areas of selling. The things I have found work best are selling digital information products, importing and selling products directly from China, selling personalised goods, and price arbitrage (buying goods from shops etc and selling them from more on Ebay)

Over the next few weeks I will be providing step-by-step guides on how you can begin to make money on eBay by selling items in the niche areas that I have mentioned above. Each of these areas are completely different types of businesses and therefore you will be able to choose which one you feel works best for you. Many of these businesses can be expanded far outside of eBay and earn into the six or seven figures range but Ebay is a great place to start as it have a ready made customer base looking to buy. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below or you can contact me directly.